Sent in by a friend (who appears to be driving an iPhone), who was duly impressed that B has two Bs. At least. Maybe more by now even!

How cool is it that your name begins with the same first initial as the best car on the planet? Wow!

Hey  – wait a minute here! BOZO begins with “B” too. So I could do this also. Rock on!

OMG! I could even do this with a Beemer and a Benzoid! Heavenly!

Nothing like being multi-Benzoided

Nothing like being multi-Benzoided

KS GT – or K’s GT

OK, K, so you did a little artwork there, huh? Classy! Too bad you can’t just “buy an apostrophe” from the DMV, right?

Now is this a Shelby GT or a Mustang? Kinda looks like a ‘stang (just re-used your apostrophe thing!) but, then again, it seems to say S H E L B Y in there somewhere.

Oh – and I totally groove on the palm tree license plate from. Very equatorial!





Wow – this one was a nailbiter. I was with the family walking around, I think, Paso Robles. Nice old town square, central California wine country, rife with the vacationing older couple set. To be expected, for sure. But how classic was it to find Samy (Sammy?) and his wife strolling back to their SL. And, how do I slyly take a photo without explaining to this nice couple that I find them totally lame? Such is my predicament.

I will say that I was good and sly about it – so much so that my son noticed the plate a minute after the deed was done and sealed in my cell phone camera, and he was going nuts trying to get me to get a pic as the happy couple backed out in their throaty coupe.

So am I too much of a wimp to confront these losers? Next time I’ll try to chat them up, Ali-G-Style.


You didn't get away!

You didn't get away!

DIVABMW – When you know you’re great!

You’re awesome. You drive a Beemer. Celebrate! Tell the world! Put it on a plate! Not the world, that is, but your awesomeness!

A beautiful day on the freeways of Southern California, with light traffic ahead, and what shows up? DIVA does! 


How many ways can I say "BMW"?

How many ways can I say "BMW"?

Thanks for the great photo op. Now I know how to spell BMW! I missed it the first time. Almost got it right the second time, but still wasn’t sure. But, ah, the third time was the charm! Thanks for making it clear!